What year were you established?
Still Loved Foundation was established in 2020. In Memory Of You Book was released in 2023.
Where are you located?
Holly Springs, NC
What is your biggest goal this calendar year?
Become more present in hospitals. These journals are so valuable to those who are newly bereaved. I would love to get them into the hands of parents via organizations, and nonprofits!! Many mamas reach out and bulk order books to bring to the hospital they delivered at in honor of their sweet baby. I am just so grateful for them.
Do you remember the exact moment you knew you wanted to do something bigger in memory of Bastion?
I think my work is just my way of parenting my son who isn't here. I do big things because he wasn't given the chance to make a name for himself. As his mama, I'll make sure his name is heard.
What are two organizations you have collaborated with to get the journals in the hands of newly bereaved families?
Bodie's Light and Parker's Purpose are two that come to mind. With about 200 journals purchased between the two organizations.